What is Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy helps people to manage everyday activities (occupations) that matter to them.
This includes activities
- at home - dressing, bathing, housework, cooking, hobbies
- at work – including paid work, volunteering, education and carer roles
- in the community – driving or using public transport, shopping, socialising, being physically active
Could I benefit from Occupational Therapy?
If you have noticed any changes in your ability to carry out everyday activities, the occupational therapy service in your surgery may be able to help you.
- Anxiety or low mood
- Frailty
- Falls or fear of falling
- Pain or fatigue
- Stress
- Work-life balance
What will the Occupational Therapy Service offer me?
- Initial telephone conversation within five working days to make sure Occupational Therapy is the right service for you
- Time to talk about the difficulties you are experiencing with everyday activities
- Support to identify your priorities for change and set realistic goals
- Advice, education and practical support to help you achieve your goals and manage activities that are important to you
- Signposting or referral to relevant health, social care or community based resources
How do I access Occupational Therapy in my GP practice?
Fill in the form and hand to reception staff in your GP practice. Please make sure that you provide an up-to-date telephone number so the Occupational Therapist can give you a call.
Please note: the Occupational Therapy service can support anyone aged 16 or over who is registered with your practice with the exception of:
- Young people who are still at school (ask reception about Occupational Therapy Children & Young People Advisory Clinic or speak to your GP about mental wellbeing concerns)
- People already receiving occupational therapy input from another service
Download this form and hand into the practice and we can begin to process your referral to the Occupational Therapy team:
OT referral form